"When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,  spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)"

(Matthew 24:15)



A narcissist priest, initially under the disguise of an icon of Christ = a Good Shepherd, celebrates Mass

A narcissist priest celebrates Mass: a mask begins slipping off

A narcissist priest celebrates Mass: derangement in the souls of the believers

The narcissist Mass

Black Mass


A narcissist priest, initially under the disguise of an icon of Christ = a Good Shepherd, inserts himself between the congregation and Christ, overtaking His place. Gradually his mask is slipping off, revealing the truth = death under the mask of Life. His personality is channelling Satan while he is standing before the altar. The impossible combination of:


Christ = Life – narcissist priest = death – Holy Communion = Life


wrecks havoc in the souls of the believers.


Finally, the mask is dropped. Christ is present only as the source of the Eucharist, not a Person, totally obscured by the narcissist priest.


The schemes of abuse, of a child by a narcissistic parent and of an adult by a narcissist priest are identical. Hence, a semi-glued together (by Christ) person is now  crushed again, his past abuser resurrects itself in the setting of the Church. This is the grandest re-traumatisation possible because it crushes the hope for "a Christian family", a substitute for his abusive family from childhood.


Noteworthy, that the last two scenes, the narcissist Mass and Black Mass look almost identical. The only difference is that in the narcissist Mass the Eucharist is in a prominent place, in the Black Mass it is desecrated, on the floor.

Vectors of the soul III:

a narcissistic church